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School Choice and Open Enrollment

School Choice for Seattle Public Schools

每个十大正规网赌软件的学生都根据他们的居住地被分配到他们所在地区的学校. 家庭也可以申请要求他们的学生就读不同的学校通过公开十大正规网赌软件择校过程.

2024-25 School Choice is now CLOSED

2024-25学年的学校选择表格现已截止提交. The last day of Open Enrollment was Friday, May 31.

择校结果和候补名单信息现在可以在网上通过 Assignment Lookup Tool. 要使用作业查找工具,请输入学生的身份证号码和出生日期.

School Choice Process

School Choice Open Enrollment Video

Video Translations

  • 所有十大正规网赌软件的选择作业都取决于可用空间.
  • Submitting the form does not guarantee an assignment.
  • 请查看链接学校和项目,因为您首选的学校可能不提供某些项目或支持服务.
  • New students must first register on the Enrollment webpage before participating in the open enrollment.
  • 非居民和早入学幼儿园的学生没有资格参加公开十大正规网赌软件择校过程.
  • 如果某个学校和年级的申请人数超过了可用的名额,那么当然可以 tiebreakers are used to determine assignment and waitlist status.
  • K-12学生可以在5月31日开放注册后转到他们的出勤地区学校, 只要学校能提供学生需要的服务. 不能保证转学到他们以前指定的选择学校,需要一个新的 School Choice Form 视情况而定或排在候补名单的末尾.
  • 申请并收到选择作业的学生将收到该选择学校(或项目)的新作业。. 选择作业的学生将继续在该学校学习,直到达到最高等级, 只要学校提供学生需要的服务.


如果某个学校和年级的申请人数超过了可用的名额,那么当然可以 tiebreakers are used to determine assignment and waitlist status.

Standard Tiebreakers 分配出勤区学生后可用座位

Attendance Area Elementary and K-8 Schools

  1. Sibling
  2. Lottery

Attendance Area Middle Schools

  1. Sibling
  2. Feeder School
  3. Lottery

Attendance Area High Schools

  1. Sibling
  2. Lottery

Option Schools (all grades)

  1. Sibling
  2. Geographic Zone
  3. Lottery

HCC Tiebreakers

Elementary Schools

  1. Sibling
  2. Lottery

Middle Schools

  1. Sibling
  2. Feeder School
  3. Lottery

High Schools

  1. Sibling
  2. Lottery
  1. To return to your neighborhood school from a choice school. 如果学生们在5月31日之前申请,他们将保证在他们的社区学校入学, 特殊教育服务需求可以在他们的社区学校得到满足. 
  1. 如果您的学生目前正在学习双语沉浸式课程,并且即将升入初中或高中. 
    • 所有目前进入六年级或九年级的双语沉浸式学生,如果希望继续他们的双语沉浸式课程 ,必须在开放注册期间通过学校选择 申请. These students will be guaranteed an assignment.  
  2. 如果你的学生有资格获得高能力(HC)服务.
    • 有2024-25学年HC新决定的幼儿园-7年级学生,希望参加衔接学校. 
    • 符合HC服务条件的学生  进入九年级,未在八年级就读HC队列衔接学校and-目前在他们的出勤区或选择高中就读的HC指定学生,他们想上HC衔接高中:
      • 将在他们的HC衔接高中(加菲猫, Lincoln, or West Seattle), but a Choice Form must be submitted during Open Enrollment.
    • 请注意: 目前就读于HC队列(HCC)途径的八年级学生保证被他们的HC途径高中(加菲尔德)录取, Lincoln, or West Seattle) in ninth grade based on where they live, and DO NOT need to apply during Open Enrollment. 
    • More information about Highly Capable pathways, including elementary and middle school pathways. Questions about Advanced Learning and HC services? Email

Enrollment Key Dates

January 2 New registrations for 2024-25 school year begins.

February 1 – February 29 Open Enrollment School Choice priority applications will be accepted (tiebreakers apply).

March 1 – May 31 School Choice 逾期申请将被接受(不符合平局规则).

April 16 Open Enrollment results will be available online.

June 3 – August 31 Non-resident applications will be accepted.

August 31 Waitlists for the 2024-25 school year will dissolve.

Linked Schools and Programs

Most students are assigned to their neighborhood school. 对于一些必需的服务,学生可能会被分配到另一所学校.

Linked Schools

目前就读于选择学校或非就读地区学校的学生: 这些学生可以留在他们的学校,直到最高等级提供 without having to apply during Open Enrollment. 

Unsure which program to apply for?

如果你的学生没有接受特殊教育服务,那么你应该申请 General Education. 以下项目是为接受特殊教育服务的学生提供的:

  • Extended Resource
  • Focus
  • Distinct
  • Deaf/Hard of Hearing

If your student’s service model for special education is SM1, you should apply as General Education. 双语沉浸式学生也应申请通识教育. If you are seeking the HCC program for your student, select HCC. 如果你在Cascade申请K-12 Virtual Option,请选择 Cascade Parent Partnership – Virtual.


Option Schools with Continuous Enrollment

  • Cascade Parent Partnership Program – General Education
  • Interagency Programs
  • Middle College High School
  • Nova High School
  • Seattle World School
  • Skills Center
  • Alan T. Sugiyama High School

所有连续入学的选择学校均可根据要求考虑. 如果您有兴趣参加我们的任何一所选择学校,请在线十大正规网赌软件. 一些学校需要能力评估或额外的入学程序. Read more about schools with continuous enrollment.

Note: Cascade的K-12虚拟选项的座位将视情况而定.

Historical Choice Data

你想知道近年来有多少学生申请学校选择吗? Or the number of students who were waitlisted?

Section 2 of the Annual Enrollment Report, produced by Enrollment Planning, 还包含详细的历史选择数据,为每个学校.

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